vim / pack / bundle / start / some-plugin It may seem a bit complicated, but in practice all you have to do is add your plugin here: ↓ package name opt/ - contains plugins that are loaded on demand with :packadd.start/ - contains plugins that will be automatically loaded.Version 8 introduces a new packages mechanism that largely replaces the need for existing plugin managers (pathogen, vim-plug, vundle, etc.) at the time of writing (2017).Ī Vim package is a directory that contains one or more pluginsĪ package directory contains two sub-directories: See also: What is the difference between the vim package managers? Note there are more plugin managers I happen to use vim-plug. Your vimrc to another computer, run :PlugInstall, and have all your plugins. Plugin, and on-demand loading for better performance. There are also some additional advantages to this such as easier updating of Website, but those scripts are mirrored on Note that vim-plug doesn't support installing scripts from the Vim scripts To remove a plugin, remove it from the vimrc file and run: :PlugClean
This is almost always available on Linux and OSX, but not on MS Windows so this trick won't work there. Silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim -create-dirs
Your vimrc file before the plug#begin() call: if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
This will put the plugins in ~/.vim/plugged or $HOME\vimfiles\plugged for MS
Then restart Vim, and then install plugins with: :PlugInstall " For MS Windows, this is probably better: You can define plugins in your vimrc like so: call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Vim-plug relies on git for MS Windows, you want Plugin to be in a separate contained directory. Includes command to easily install/remove a plugin, so you don't have to muckĪbout with unzipping plugins and the like.
Vim-plug solves this by storing each plugin in it's own directory it also Renamed to autoload/new-name.vim? You now have both an old and new version Upgrading problems is similarly difficult: What if autoload/old-name.vim gets Remove a plugin you often have several different files in differentĭirectories, you have to manually find them & remove them. The problem with manually installing a plugin is that it's rather difficult to I like to use the vim-plug plugin manager. It may matter which OS you're on, especially if the plugin calls in external commands.įor most plugins, though, it may not matter.It may matter which version of Vim you're on, since a feature may have been added after your version of Vim.It may matter if you're using gVim or not (gVim typically has more features enabled at compile time than Vim on the same distribution).It may matter if you're using Vi or Vim,.vim/plugin directory.Ī Vimball file can be installed by opening it in Vim and running :source %.Ī set of files in the standard directory layout can be installed either by copying them to. vim file is supposed to be placed in the. a set of files in directories that follow an expected structure ( plugin/*, syntax/*, etc.) ( What makes a plugin Vundle compatible and are other plugin managers interchangeable?)Ī single.To install a plugin, we need to know what form it comes in. Depending on the Plugin readme page, please follow those specific instructions.įor auto-save. This particular Plugin for auto-save had a few more lines that had to be added. This will install recently added Plugins. vimrc file: Plugin 907th/vim-auto-save before a specific line as noted above. The user is 907th and the project is vim-auto-save. Add the user/project from Github to your.The Github project should have a directory called plugin.This plugin auto saves when you are editing a file: auto-save.